TeleMafia is the first deeply social Mafia MMORPG living on the miniapp, as well as within Telegram's native group chats. You'll spend Energy to tackle Jobs (earning cash, XP) and Fight enemies to earn Respect. Each success moves you closer to forming or joining a Family—a private, Telegram-based mini-DAO of friends or allies. The style is lavishly regal yet understated, merging old-world Mafia prestige with seamless web3 play-and-earn mechanics.
Gameplay Flow
- Jobs & Fights: Do Jobs and love it -- take on the role of an ascendant Mafia thug across various locations, leveling up, growing your Mob. Fight other mobsters, and accumulate Respect so you can make it together in the real world.
- Social Interactions: Once you've reached certain Respect milestones, you can join Families and Help new members on their way up.
- Family Synergy: Families pool on-chain treasuries. Spenders funnel part of their in-game purchases into these shared vaults, allowing their Family members to come up in the world, together.
- Family Wars: The ultimate test of strategy and allegiance: letting Families wage wars, achieve victory through coordination, and earn Respect from the entire world. To the victor goes the spoils.
- Valentina: An AI "consigliere" who discreetly manages your family's Treasury and Family Office, eventually guiding your Family towards the greatest opportunities in the on-chain world.
TeleMafia seamlessly combines instant social engagement with on-chain elements, making each victory (or betrayal) feel tangible, grand and immutable.